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ICEN Vol. II No: 77 March 2nd 1988

32.7 Unique Pharmaceutical Service.
Locum International LTD specializes in services which have been upgraded and expanded to International Regulatory Standards including many innovative plans and systems gathered by the company's International team regarding cGMP, GLP, Validation, QC, QA, Marketing and Post Marketing Surveillance. The company states that they create an international foundation for companies to widen sales and marketing vistas. The company specializes in FDA and DHSS hardware and software conversions; provides full teaching and training programs to the inexperienced line worker at all operating levels; and full formulation and registration new products including updating and maintenance of current registration dossiers to meet the ongoing pharmacopoeia and cGMP changes. LOCUM has been offering their services in South Africa providing a World Class Facility.
ICEN - The Israel Commercial Economic Newsletter.

Script #2152August 6th 1996

The International Journal of Generic Drugs, published by Locum International Publishers and featuring articles on generic drug development and manufacturing, quality control and assurance, and bulk pharmaceutical chemicals, has placed the Table of Contents of its 1996 issues on the Internet. It can be accessed via the publisher's home page at : http://www.locum.co.il.
Further details are available from Jeremy David Block Editor-in-Chief Locum International LLC
Script - Richmond UK

Vision In Business December 10th 1999

Both the International Journal of Generic Drugs (IJGD) and the International Journal of Drug Development (IJDD) publishes articles, reviews and papers on all aspects of generic and innovative drug development from pre-formulation to aspects of regulatory strategy. The IJGD includes special reference to on-time development on ANDA submissions and the IJDD includes references to the on-time development of EU Dossiers, NDA and ANDA submissions.
For additional details contact Locum International, www.locumusa.com, www.locumeuro.com, E-mail Journals at - contact
VIB - Brussels Belgium

Pharma Today OCT. 12th 2000

IAGIM Drug Development Association has placed its latest Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Database of over 16000 active ingredient manufacturers on its drug development web site. Rapid searches (up to 60 data lines to the public and over 180 lines per screen to IAGIM members) for any FDA registered active ingredient and corresponding manufacturing site can be made within a few seconds. Locum's sophisticated search engine and data base is one of the web most advanced search system. The database may be accessed at http://www.iagim.org/search. Data base was outlined at the Singapore Drug Development Conference 2000
Contact IAGIM via http://www.iagim.org / E-mail:- contact
Pharma Today.

Int. Journal Series Expanded June15, 2003 / July 25, 2003

New Food and Wine GMP Journal. / New Food and Wine R&D Journal.
Locum International Press - publishers of the renown, peer reviewed international journal series on innovative and generic drug development have initiated their first pre-marketing of their three new International Journals on Food & Wine cGMP, Food & Wine R&D and Wine Research Technology . Structured as a 80p full color, glossy, peer reviewed technical, hands-on, state-of-the-art, international Good Manufacturing Practice publication, the Journal fills a long awaited gap in the food and wine technology markets

The first three special editions are dedicated to champagne manufacture, tips and traps, Do's and Don'ts with a very special emphasis on the Method Cap Classique Technology. Packed with case studies, processing QC tabulations and flowcharts. The IAGIM Association web site highlights the table of contents for the first three US Special Editions located at http://www.iagim.org/wine

Locum offers wine researches and developer an extensive membership online archive available for an annual membership fee, similar in design and function to the authoritative drug development center at IAGIM.org

The special edition is marketed and sold by some 140 of LIG own agencies in some 70 countries. The initial marketing and sales debut is targeted for September 2003 (Special First Edition. Distribution formats available will be initially in glossy print (Color & B/W) and CD ROM.

The US Internet online edition is scheduled for November. Initial early bird subscriptions of this unusual journal priced at $999 for 8 issues per annum has already reached over the 800 mark of some of the worlds top Food, Pharmaceutical and Wine manufacturers with a 2003 first quarter projected target circulation of 2800 - 3200 issues covering some 140 000 readers worldwide.

An introductory offer of three (3) issues for $999 ea. is available until September when all special promotions on the web close.

Contact LIG via http://www.locumUSA.com

International Journal Series / Pharma Technology / Vision in Business

Pharma Today March 22nd 2014

IAGIM Drug Development Association signed close to a dozen generic drug development projects in the 1Q of this year with generic houses as diverse as Argentina, Brazil, China, Ireland, Malaysia, Singapore, US, UK, and New Zealand. Leading Generic Drug Manufacturers purchased IT data, including CMC and Analytical and Bioavailability data profiles from IAGIM Association.

Isofarma (Brazil) has extended its well known sterile products and entered the Brazilian generic tablet and capsule market by purchasing IAGIM full CMC data packages. The Norton (UK), Ivax (Ireland) and Zenith Goldline (US) top selling generic lines derived several of their key product know-how from the IAGIM Research and Development laboratories and scale-up manufacturing units utilizing IAGIM extended benefit plans for generic and innovative developers.

Product development data supplied up to validated full scale commercial batches in all the proposed marketing strengths slashed the companies generic pipeline queue from 9 -15 months of time saved in formulating from scratch.. Within 89 days from IT transfer IAGIM's Tamoxifen 10,20, 30 & 40 mg passes US / EU bioequivalent study.

IAGIM has spread it's state-of-the-art drug development know-how and manufacturing technology in approximately 70 countries with regular drug development/formulation seminars and workshops conducted on all five continents. India has become a major purchaser of IAGIM information technology (IT) counting major Indian drug houses as Cipla, Novartis, Nicholas Piramal, Randbaxy, Sun, Wochardt and Dr. Reddys.

For additional information contact IAGIM http://www.iagim.org or fax. US + (1)-561-865-6147

Pharma Today

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